Numeric similarity comparison class
is an S3 class for numeric similarity comparisons.
- scores
List of similarity scores per method and comparison
- summary
Summary statistics by method and comparison
- methods
Character vector of methods used for comparison
- list_names
Character vector of names for the compared lists
- raw_values
List of raw numeric values being compared
- digits
Number of digits to round results (default: 3)
An object of class "similar_number" (which inherits from "similar") containing:
scores: List of numeric similarity scores per method and comparison
summary: Summary statistics by method and comparison
methods: Character vector of numeric comparison methods used (exact, percent, normalized, fuzzy, exp, raw)
list_names: Character vector of names for the compared numeric lists
digits: Number of digits to round results in output
raw_values: List of raw numeric values that were compared
The numeric similarity scores are normalized values between 0 and 1, where 1 indicates identical numbers and 0 indicates maximally different numbers based on the specific method used. The exception is the "raw" method, which returns the absolute difference between values.