Create Survey Response Table Output
This function sets up the server-side logic for displaying a survey response data table in a Shiny application. It handles the rendering of the response table and controls its visibility based on various reactive values.
- output
The Shiny output object
- rv
A reactive values object containing:
survey_completed - Boolean indicating if survey is completed
loading - Boolean indicating loading state
survey_responses - Data frame of survey responses
error_message - String containing error message if any
- show_response
Boolean indicating whether to show the response table
The function creates two reactive outputs:
surveyResponseTable - A DataTable showing survey responses
showResponseTable - Controls visibility of the response table
The table will only be shown when:
The survey is completed
Data is not loading
There are no error messages
show_response parameter is TRUE
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
server <- function(input, output, session) {
rv <- reactiveValues(
survey_completed = FALSE,
loading = FALSE,
survey_responses = data.frame(),
error_message = NULL
server_response(output, rv, show_response = TRUE)
} # }