Shiny App Logger Class
An R6 class that provides asynchronous logging functionality for shiny app messages.
This class handles asynchronous logging of shiny app messages to a PostgreSQL database. It uses connection pooling and futures for efficient database operations. The class maintains a single logging table per instance and handles all database connections internally.
Message Types
The logger supports different message types that are displayed with distinct visual styles:
Regular informational messages (displayed in green)
Warning messages (displayed in yellow)
Error messages (displayed in red)
Public Fields
- log_table
character. Name of the database table for logging
- session_id
character. Unique identifier for the current session
- survey_name
character. Name of the survey being logged
- db_params
list. Database connection parameters
- initialize(log_table, session_id, survey_name, db_config = NULL)
Creates a new logger instance
- log_table
character. Name of the logging table
- session_id
character. Unique session identifier
- survey_name
character. Name of the survey
- db_config
list. Optional database configuration parameters
- log_message(message, type = "INFO", zone = "DEFAULT")
Logs a message asynchronously with appropriate visual styling
- message
character. Message to log
- type
character. Type of message ("INFO", "WARN", "ERROR")
- zone
character. Zone identifier for message categorization
Public fields
Name of the database table for logging
Unique identifier for the current session
Name of the survey being logged
List of database connection parameters
Method new()
Initialize a new survey logger instance
survey_logger$new(log_table, session_id, survey_name)
Method log_message()
Log a message asynchronously to the database with appropriate visual styling
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Initialize logger
logger <- survey_logger$new(
log_table = "survey_logs",
session_id = "user123",
survey_name = "customer_feedback"
# Log different types of messages
logger$log_message("Survey started", "INFO", "initialization")
logger$log_message("Missing optional field", "WARN", "validation")
logger$log_message("Required field empty", "ERROR", "validation")
} # }